Sachin Singh

Yeah this is me, you read it right, don't worry :)

Sachin Singh

This is my portfolio website I would generally try to upload the things i do here
Do recommend if you have any suggestions regarding the site or if you would like me to improve/fix some things :)

Substitution Managaent System

Made a Java based application to generate Substitution in schools/ any education institutes

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Tenant Manager

A Python based web app to manage Tenants for a landlord lots of options to overwatch stuff, including calculation every expense automatically

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Loan Assistant

My First Java based app which can calculate loans and offer some extra-ordinary options to minimize EMIs based on conditions provided by the user

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Smart Shirt

unsuccessfully tried to build a smart t-shirt that monitors body vitals of a person and use data to give suggestions in emergency situations and quickly inform the family of the user. [Python, RaspberryPi and some sensors]

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